Occupy Wall Street: Stop the Affair!

The Seducer

The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement is about stopping the affair between corporate interest and our government.  Let me say right in the beginning that it isn’t “Government” itself that is at fault here, as Government is like the roof and walls within which we all live.  The fault lies with the elected representatives in Washington, the politicians, that do the governing.   OWS tells us that those representatives have been having a metaphorically adulterous relationship and it MUST come to an end.

While we have been faithfully building our homes, families and communities, the politicians serving in government have been having an illicit fling with Corporate Interest, receiving the massage of campaign finance donations in return for gifts of legislated tax breaks and corporate subsidies at the expense of the 99%.   The problem ahead for these guilty partners is that OWS is breaking the sad news to the citizens of this country, much like a betrayed spouse, what is and has been going on.  We’ve been told before but didn’t really want to believe either that it was true or that it was as harmful as it is.  Now armed with the truth, we must demand accountability and a return to faithfulness.  Elected representatives are responsible for government’s pledge, much as a marriage covenant, to honor and obey the citizen, but instead have been having the equivalent of a liaison based on mutual infatuation and self-gratification with corporate interest.

To those who say “but we know these representatives, they wouldn’t do anything to hurt us, they love us” I say, STOP!    Too many times our representative attends to his/her governing business distractedly fingering a little memento in the pocket with a caressing voice in the back of their mind softly saying, “just something to help you think of me….”      We can and must have representatives who remember and honor their pledge to their constituents. We must have representatives who will be morally responsible, who have the integrity to stay away from the promises of  glittering gifts waiting behind the curtains. We are the 99%.  We elected them and will hold them accountable.

Can we stop this?  Yes!   We now stand in the living rooms of cities all around the country and say, This Must Stop!  We make our decision to either keep or divorce the unfaithful representatives in the elections.  Our government must listen because DIVORCE is an option!

To our Representatives, Senators and President:  Remember us?  We are the citizens of this country.  We elected you. We demand you keep faith with us and honor your congressional oath.  Sign pledges to this or make promises to that on your own time, not ours.  If you will not do so, WE WILL REPLACE YOU.  WE ARE THE 99%!

The 99 Percent Movement!

Think this protest movement doesn’t include you?  Think again!  Do you think the protesters are “freaks,”fringe,”radical left,” “mobs,” “anti-American?”  I’m telling you that YOU are part of the 99 Percent so be careful what you call them!

"stars" and stripes, Credit: thinkprogress.org

Although this image is pretty telling, it isn’t the whole story.

This movement is not necessarily against Wall Street, corporations, government;  it is against Wall Street influencing Supreme Court decisions and governmental policy.  It is against corporations being called “people” and being allowed to buy politicians and votes anonymously by the Supreme Court (see Citizens United) and politicians like Mitt Romney (see: “Corporations are people, my friend“).  This movement represents people from all communities, all action groups, all people who have had their voice and vote stolen by lobbyists and special interests that are buying the votes of the representatives of you, me, WE the People!  It represents all who want their representatives and senators, both state and federal, to listen to the 99 percent rather than only the 1 percent.  This movement includes Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers.  This protest is not against the government, it is for the government listening to the people and being held accountable by the people.

The corporate media, when they reluctantly give coverage to the movement at all, claim there is no coherent message or agenda.  You’ll hear and read that nobody really knows what it’s all about— is it anti-government? anti-corporate America?  Is it environmental activism, pro-jobs?  Who are these people?  Unemployed slackers? Liberals? Conservatives? Students with nothing better to do? Small business owners? Women’s and Civil rights advocates?  Who ARE these people?


That means this movement is about making OUR voices heard — even if I stand next to someone who wants something different than me, we just want our voices to be heard rather than just the 1%!  We don’t have the money to buy the votes and influence legislation (see Koch Brothers), and even if we did, we wouldn’t do it because that’s not what this country is supposed to be about!  This is a Republic.  Representatives are supposed to be making policy based on what their constituents want.

Speak up, Everyone!  Make your voices be heard, finally!  And, if you can’t attend a protest, at least support those who do!